Based on the acclaimed memoir One Train Later by rock guitarist Andy Summers, Can’t Stand Losing You: Surviving the Police follows Summers' journey from his early days in the psychedelic ‘60s music scene, when he played with The Animals, to chance encounters with drummer Stewart Copeland and bassist Sting, which led to the formation of a new wave trio, The Police. During the... More .
The End of Poverty? is a daring, thought-provoking and very timely documentary by award-winning filmmaker, Philippe Diaz, revealing that poverty is not an accident. It began with military conquest, slavery and colonization that resulted in the seizure of land and other natural resources as well as in forced labor. Today, global poverty has reached new levels because of unfair debt, trade and tax policies -- in other words, wealthy countries.... More .
FIDEL provides a unique view of Cuba’s controversial and most polarizing leader. In 1968, Castro took filmmaker and activist Saul Landau on a weeklong jeep ride through the eastern mountains. There, he plays baseball with a group of peasants, visits... More .
In May 2011, the State of California announced plans to close one quarter of its 278 parks. The closure list included thousands of acres of park land, recreation areas, wildlife reserves, and half of the state's historic parks. Upon learning that the state would save merely $22 million with... More .
The soulful journey of a professional street dance company, Versa-Style, as they create an inspired theatrical stage show in Los Angeles. Led by Jackie “Miss Funk” Lopez, a single Latina mother, and her partner Leigh “Breeze-Lee” Foaad, they pull together a dance company with young people from the street scene and the yards of Los Angeles’ public schools, infusing in them a sense of discipline and commitment. A community develops where people of all races and creeds are able to express themselves, turning their fears and desperation... More .
Mia, a 35 year-old successful photographer living in Paris, finds herself suffering from a typical bourgeois malaise, seeking solace in cocaine. Looking for a fresh start and inspiration, she flies to Cambodia to surprise her timber trader husband Xavier, and hopes to create the child for whom she longs... More .
In 2006, when Israel sealed off the borders into the region, that ended the free-flow of people and goods. Shortly thereafter, it emerged that a small group of young men were surfing in Gaza, sharing battered surfboards and used gear. From first-time director, Alexander Klein, comes an inspirational film that charts the difficulties and dangers encountered by surfers in Gaza and how a non-profit group would attempt to deliver... More .
In the remote Northwestern Territory of Australia, the Galpu clan, an Aboriginal family led by famed didjeridu craftsman and player, Djalu Gurruwiwi, struggles to maintain their ancestral traditions at the face of modern societal, economical, and environmental pressures. When Djalu's son displays limited interest in the clan's legacy and the effects of nearby billion dollar Rio Tinto bauxite mine begin to take its toll, he and the clan elders must devise a strategy to overcome their limited infrastructure and resources, lack of education for the next generation, and the increasing cost of living in order to preserve their cultural identity, while staying connected to the modern world.
Narrated by Emmy® award winner and Academy Award® nominated actor & activist, James Cromwell, IN BETWEEN SONGS captures the global imperative to preserve a priceless culture and its musical legacy.
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The ancient city of Akka, along the northern coast of Israel, is the home to a melting pot of Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Bahai. For centuries, its surrounding forty-foot sea wall has protected its citizens and repelled invaders. As the Old City endures harsh economic pressures and vast social changes, Palestinian families who have lived here for generations are being pressured to leave. Despite the daily challenges they face, the city's youth sons and daughters of fishermen, school teachers, and artists "continue a perilous inter-generational rite of passage expressing individuality and the right to control their destiny: jumping from the high wall into the tempestuous sea below. More .